Adopt a Horse

Adopt A Horse

CLICK HERE if you want to adopt a horse.
You must be a beginner or higher rank to adopt horses.

Before you start filling everything in, read everything at the top.
There's a lot of people who seem to ignore that and those people have very low chances of getting a horse.

Professionals can adopt the same horses as Experts as they ride on the same level.

CLICK HERE if you want to SELL a horse.

Ownership Limits

Beginner - 1 horse
Intermediate - 1,5 horses
Experienced - 2 horses
Expert - 3 horses
Professional - 3,5 horses
Riding Instructors - 4 horses
Horse Trainers - 4 horses
VIP - 4,5 horses
Developers - 4,5 horses

Add 1 if you own the +1 Limit gamepass.

Some horses prefer younger or older riders.
Not all horses enjoys being ridden every day and might get overworked.
Be honest when filling everything in.
Shorter players have higher chance at getting miniatures and ponies, taller players have higher chance at getting big horses.


  1. I applied for Simon good luck with kitty

  2. I applied for mystic hope I get her!

  3. How do I know if I got he horse?

    1. You need to read the blog on the page of the horse you want. You’ll eventually see an owner tag if the horse was for sale. You’ll see your username or someone else’s.

  4. What does 1,5 mean? Is it 1.5 or is it 1-5?

    1. It’s 1.5. That means that it’s 1 horse and half a horse. Half a horse is a companion and/or a foal

  5. how do i cancel an adoption?

    1. You can’t. Choose the horse you want, and you can’t back out.

  6. by the way, 1,5 means that you can get one horse and one foal or companion (foal or companion is the 5 after the comma.)

  7. Ayee limits went up, I can apply to breed Freya :O


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